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Steger School District 194

Achieving Excellence Together


Response to Intervention (RtI) is the practice of providing a high-quality, integrated educational program which utilizes a systematic, data-based problem solving approach to address the academic and behavioral needs of all students.  RTI involves a multi-tier, integrated school improvement model which is research-based and standards-driven.  It involves regular measurement of student achievement and student behavior and addresses both prevention and intervention. 

Instruction and interventions should be based on scientifically-validated curriculum and teaching methodology.  Lack of student response to interventions is used to determine a student’s need for additional targeted or intensive support.

In Steger SD 194, RtI is a three-tiered model for service delivery which is applied to both academic and behavioral outcomes. It calls for the collection and analysis of formative student assessment data for initial screening to determine instructional needs.  If problems are detected, interventions should be designed and then implemented, targeting these needs on an individual basis.  Data should then continue to be used to regularly monitor the student’s progress to determine if any instructional changes or more intensive interventions are needed.

Tier 1 occurs in the classroom and provides universal instruction with differentiation to meet all students’ academic and behavioral needs.

Tier 2 is intended to provide additional interventions to tier 1 instruction for a targeted group of students who demonstrate a specific need.  Frequent assessment allows the educator to respond rapidly to those students’ needs.  Students’ schedules require additional time so that interventions in a small group setting may occur.

If tier 2 interventions are not successful, additional supports and interventions will be identified for those students who demonstrate a need. Tier 3 interventions are typically individually administered and require additional time on top of tier 1 instruction and tier 2 supports.

If systematic multiple interventions are not successful, then the problem-solving team determines if a referral should be made for special education. 


RTI Academic Resources: 

Intervention Central


RTI Behavior Resources:

PBIS World