District 194 provides an at-risk screening for children, birth through five years old. The purpose of this screening is to determine if a child may be at-risk for future educational difficulty. Preschool screenings for students who are three years of age or older are also provided on selected dates throughout the school year. Only children residing in or attending a parochial school in District 194 will be screened.
Steger 194 is the recipient of the Preschool for All Grant. This means that our program is 100% grant funded and we serve students that are deemed “at risk.” Children's development in the areas of speech, language, motor abilities, concept formation, and preschool readiness skills are screened. Results of these screenings are used to identify students who might be at risk of developing difficulties with school and to identify students for further evaluation if a disability is suspected.
Preschool screening consists of three parts:
At the conclusion of the screening, the results are reviewed by our preschool team and possible next steps are communicated with the parent within 10 days.
Screenings are conducted four times per year.
Additional information and appointment scheduling may be made by contacting our Administration Center at 708-753-4300.
Early Childhood Learning Standards English
Early Childhood Learning Standards Spanish