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Steger School District 194

Achieving Excellence Together

Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning

Interim Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Mary Kate Entsminger

Mary Kay Entsminger
Interim Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning

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Welcome to the Department of Teaching & Learning.

We oversee all elements of learning, instruction, and assessment for Steger School District 194.

Steger School District 194 focuses on a relevant and engaging curriculum, assessments which inform instructional practices, continuous development of instruction, and raising student achievement. The curriculum of District 194 revolves around the Common Core State Standards and Benchmarks. 

We spend time researching best practices, standards, and resources to create relevant and engaging curriculum structures. These structures serve as a tool for grade level or content area teacher teams as they collaboratively plan for student learning. Our district is continually defining and refining instructional programs to meet the diverse needs of all students in our District.

Please be aware that sections of this website are currently under review, construction or development. Not all links may be active. (June 2023)