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Steger School District 194

Achieving Excellence Together

The 2024-2025 School Year is Off and Rolling

Posted Date: 8/23/24 (7:00 PM)

The 24-25 School Year is Off and Rolling
August 23, 2024
Good Afternoon District 194 Families,

It has been a great start to the school year at all three District 194 schools. It is wonderful to see our classrooms and hallways full with our students again. We hope your student(s) has had a great first two days of school. Thank you to our dedicated teachers and staff for their tireless work and thank you to our families for trusting us with your most prized possessions.

A Note on Bussing
Thank you to our families for your patience and understanding with bus transportation these first few days of school. We are working with our bus company Safeway to fine tune details with our routes and stops.

Please know that for the first days of school our buses may be running a bit late, particularly on the way home. Our instructional school day does not end until 2:30. When the school year first starts it takes a bit longer to ensure our students are all packed up and where they should be. Again, thank you for your understanding.

Our new parent/school communication platform ParentSquare is up and running. If you have not downloaded the app or signed up for your account please do so. We will be sending another link to sign up for an account so look out for an email or text message from the district.

One great feature of ParentSquare is the ability to select a preferred language so that all messages are automatically translated.

Our goal with this new tool is to increase the connection between our schools and classrooms and our families.

Here is a helpful intro video for parents getting started with ParentSquare.

Have a nice weekend! We can't wait to see our students again on Monday.

Dr. Anthony McConnell